Garden Club
MLGC Meetings
11:30 am in Vaughan Hall
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month from September to June
Special luncheons are organized for December & June
Annual dues are $30.00
Linda Brown
Phone Number: 623-241-3534
Garden Club Background
The Medford Lakes Garden Club was founded in 1974 and federated in 1985. It is a member of the Garden Club of New Jersey and the National Council of State Garden Clubs with over 45 members strong! They host work shops, garden tours and fields trips.
Garden Club Goals & Expectations
The goals and expectations of the Garden Club are....
=> To encourage and support gardening efforts among members and the community
=> Educate in all aspects of horticulture
=> Support global conservation efforts
=> Promote historic preservation
=> Award scholarships
=> Teach and foster appreciation of the principles of floral design
Garden Club Events
Noted speakers conduct interesting and varied monthly programs, and the club conducts frequent workshops in all aspects of floral design. Occasional field trips to outstanding gardens, nurseries and arboretums are made throughout the year. The club is involved with flower show sponsorship, award programs and community beautification programs.